
Après notre première expérience à Profondeville (Belgique) et notre seconde à Bujumbura (Burundi), nous avons eu une nouvelle opportunité pour pratiquer la méthode d’intelligence collective que nous avons appelée le walkshop. La configuration de cette expérience à Namur ayant été légèrement différente à celle des deux précédentes, il y a de nouvelles leçons à tirer. Mise…


In Fall 2017, practitioners, consultants, program managers, policy makers and researchers convened in Antwerp to advance the agenda of improving how Performance Based Financing (PBF) programs pay for family planning services. In the follow-up of the meeting, working groups were set up to identify better quality of care indicators. This collaborative work, which mobilized fifty…


Thanks to the work of the global scientific community, the body of evidence on effective and cost-effective health interventions is regularly updated. A key feature of PBF/P4P programs is that one can introduce new indicators, remove redundant ones and thus generally adapt the reward structure on the basis of new evidence at global and country…


If you are a health systems researcher, you’re probably already contemplating your strategy to submit abstracts for the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool. Competition will be tough, as you can imagine. For researchers still at the beginning of their career, the challenge is particularly big.

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This webinar was the first in a series on Health Systems Governance Frameworks and Missing Links, organized by the Health Systems Governance Collaborative in cooperation with different partners. Did you miss it? No panic: you can now watch it here! Take the occasion to subscribe to the Collectivity YouTube channel: you will find there all our webinars! Seye started by indicating…


L’un des principaux objectifs du financement basé sur la performance (FBP) est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité des soins dispensés par les formations sanitaires. L’une des stratégies pour atteindre cet objectif est d’intégrer des indicateurs de qualité dans la formule de paiement. Un blog par Tamara Goldschmidt et Bruno Meessen Aujourd’hui, dans un…


One of the primary purposes of Performance-Based Financing (PBF) is to contribute to the improvement of quality of care provided by health facilities. One of the strategies to achieve that goal is to integrate quality indicators in the payment formula of the health facilities. A blog by Tamara Goldschmidt and Bruno Meessen Today, in a standard…