Proactive Community Case Management and Child Survival: new study findings and their applications (webinar)

Second of a series organised by the ‘Community Health’ CoP*, this webinar introduces you to a new approach to supporting the impact of Community Health Workers: Proactive Community Case Management (ProCCM).


ProCCM builds off of global standards and, by sending CHWs door-to-door, aims to provide true universal coverage and to reach each patient early. A recent study found that ProCCM communities in periurban Mali have achieved the lowest rate of under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa for the past five years running, with an end-line under-five mortality rate of 7/1000. The current findings provide a case study for how the SDG for child survival could be imminently achievable, even in some of the world’s most challenging settings.


* Interested in Community Health? Join the CH-CoP here!

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