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We are a dynamic community. As such, anything that can boost ties between members and facilitate the flow of information is  welcome. In addition to our website and blog, our new Twitter account is a great way to stay up-to-date and exchange views with us. We will share relevant topics related to our activities: of course every new project posted on Collectivity, all new content on this blog, but also sometimes links to our favorite interests, especially regarding co-production and collective intelligence.

The wingbeat of the small blue bird is similar to a butterfly’s wingbeat: although modest, it can have a great impact. So do not hesitate to like, comment and share our tweets and, through them, contribute to our great project. Looking forward to seeing you online…

The Collectivity Team

Not on Twitter yet? It’s time to get started! Twitter is practical, intuitive and, above all, offers a good visibility to anyone who, like you, has things to say and to share.

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