Visuel verification

Our Collectivity working group has been working together to reflect on the opportunities offered by digital solutions for making strategic purchasing for healthcare more efficient, and scalable across different use cases. On April 6, we shared some of these findings during a webinar on “Strategic verification for strategic purchasing”, which was held in French language…


Un groupe d’experts Collectivity actifs dans le financement de la santé s’est constitué pour réfléchir sur les opportunités offertes par la digitalisation pour rendre la fonction d’achat des soins de santé plus stratégique au travers d’une série de webinaires sur «La vérification stratégique pour l’achat stratégique». Ils vous invitent à leur premier webinaire en français,…


The PBF Community of Practice celebrates its 10 year anniversary! There has been a longstanding debate among policymakers, researchers and practitioners on Results / Performance Based Financing designs and their adaptability and rigidity. While some praise the adaptive nature of RBF/PBF, others criticize the immutability of some of the design principles.