
In Fall 2017, practitioners, consultants, program managers, policy makers and researchers convened in Antwerp to advance the agenda of improving how Performance Based Financing (PBF) programs pay for family planning services. In the follow-up of the meeting, working groups were set up to identify better quality of care indicators. This collaborative work, which mobilized fifty…


Nous partageons ici les leçons tirées de la première année d’activités de la Communauté de Pratique «Santé Communautaire»  (acronyme en anglais: CH-CoP). Ce compte-rendu est basé sur un rapport construit à partir d’un travail analytique de l’équipe de facilitation (enquêtes, interviews de certains members, analyses de notre plateforme digitale et des rapports intermédiaires de parcours).


One of key moment in global health in October 2018 was renewing of commitment of countries for re-positioning and strengthening primary health care (PHC) to mark the 40th anniversary of the 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata. The Global Conference on Primary Health Care was hosted by the Government of Kazakhstan, WHO and UNICEF, in Astana, Kazakhstan…


C’est via Collectivity que je fus informée d’un atelier devant avoir lieu au Maroc au mois de Juin. L’information m’interpella aussitôt, comme cela correspondait bien à mon domaine professionnel. Plus important: j’y ai vu une opportunité de rencontrer d’autres acteurs intervenants dans le domaine du Financement Basé sur la Performance (FBP). C’est ainsi que je fus…


The Frontline Health project, implemented by Population Council, is examining effective ways of measuring performance for community health workers (CHWs) so ministries of health (MoH) can develop new, or adapt existing, policies that maximize their impact and move toward universal health coverage. By Amy Dempsey

ICH Meeting

Smisha Agarwal, an associate at the Population Council leads the Frontline Health project, a 3 year Bill and Melinda Gates funded project, focused on standardising the measurement of community health worker programs around the world, identifying critical gaps in knowledge in strengthening these programs, and conducting operational research studies to answer those questions.