
This blogpost is part of the Covid-19 Governance Mapping initiative, a collective effort to document the structures of national decision-making in the world’s Covid-19 response, and the actors involved. Together with experts from The Collectivity and a team of researchers, the project gathered data on over 20 countries, mostly for the period between April and…


This blogpost is part of the Covid-19 Governance Mapping initiative, a collective effort to document the structures of national decision-making in the world’s Covid-19 response, and the actors involved. Together with experts from The Collectivity and a team of researchers, the project gathered data on over 20 countries, mostly for the period between April and…


This blogpost is part of the Covid-19 Governance Mapping initiative, a collective effort to document the structures of national decision-making in the world’s Covid-19 response, and the actors involved. Together with experts from The Collectivity and a team of researchers, the project gathered data on over 20 countries, mostly for the period between April and…


This blogpost is part of the Covid-19 Governance Mapping initiative, a collective effort to document the structures of national decision-making in the world’s Covid-19 response, and the actors involved. Together with experts from The Collectivity and a team of researchers, the project gathered data on over 20 countries, mostly for the period between April and…


The PBF Community of Practice celebrates its 10 year anniversary! There has been a longstanding debate among policymakers, researchers and practitioners on Results / Performance Based Financing designs and their adaptability and rigidity. While some praise the adaptive nature of RBF/PBF, others criticize the immutability of some of the design principles.


Des mesures appropriées sont cruciales pour lutter contre le Covid-19, la manière dont elles sont prises et mises en œuvre –par qui, en utilisant quelle base de données et via quelles institutions– est également fondamentale. En effet, la nature des réactions détermine la durabilité des réponses et façonne les contours de nos (futures) sociétés. Nous…

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Alors que le monde entier est devenu vulnérable et fragile face à la pandémie du COVID-19, les présentations et discussions faites dans le cadre du webinaire de notre communauté des pratiques (CH-CoP) ont souligné comment un système communautaire résilient peut faire maillage avec les services de santé pour la réalisation des objectifs sanitaires et de…