RBF in Turbulent Times: which adaptations can boost health system performance? (Webinar)


The PBF Community of Practice celebrates its 10 year anniversary!

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There has been a longstanding debate among policymakers, researchers and practitioners on Results / Performance Based Financing designs and their adaptability and rigidity. While some praise the adaptive nature of RBF/PBF, others criticize the immutability of some of the design principles.

In April 2020, Cordaid published the first edition of a Quick Reference Guide for RBF in times of COVID-19.

This webinar, organized by The Collectivity and Cordaid, expands on that topic, broadening the scope to the general adaptability of RBF/PBF as a health systems approach in times of turbulence. Whether it is a disease outbreak, an epidemic or pandemic, a violent conflict or a natural disaster, CoVID19 is not the first nor the last shock to hit health systems. Time to ask which elements of an RBF/PBF approach can be adapted and which ones are non negotiable? To what extent can RBF/PBF contribute to a more adaptive health system that sustains or improves public health outcomes?



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