Walkshop Bujumbura

Dans un billet de blog précédent, nous vous avions présenté la dynamique d’intelligence collective activée lors de notre walkshop à Bujumbura. Dans ce second billet, nous revenons sur les leçons techniques issues de nos délibérations. Pour rappel, le thème principal de la journée était la santé des enfants, avec trois thèmes spécifiques : le paludisme, la…


In Fall 2017, practitioners, consultants, program managers, policy makers and researchers convened in Antwerp to advance the agenda of improving how Performance Based Financing (PBF) programs pay for family planning services. In the follow-up of the meeting, working groups were set up to identify better quality of care indicators. This collaborative work, which mobilized fifty…

Delivery of malaria treatment by community health worker in Djénébougou, Mali.

This webinar is the 6th of a series organised by the ‘Community Health’ CoP. It focuses on two key issues of CHW program and how best it can be linked with the community health system. The first presentation by Prof. Schneider debates the following question: when it comes to designing, strengthening and governing national CHW programmes, should we…